London, 1674: When children’s bones are unexpectedly unearthed in the Tower of London, England’s most haunting mystery—the fate of the missing princes—is reignited.
Franny Apsley, trusted confidante to Charles II’s beloved niece and heir, Lady Mary Stuart, is caught up in the court’s excitement surrounding the find. Yet, as a dark family secret comes to light, Franny realises the truth behind the missing princes is far more complex—and dangerous—than anyone suspects. Recruited by her formidable cousin Nan Wilmot, Dowager Countess of Rochester, to discover the truth behind the bones, Franny is thrust into the shadowy world of intelligencers. But her quest is complicated by an attraction to the charismatic court artist Nicholas Jameson, a recent arrival from Paris who harbours secrets of his own.
Pursued by Nicholas, Franny searches for evidence hidden in secret family letters and paintings, and uncovers a startling diplomatic plot involving Lady Mary, which causes Franny to question her own judgment, threatens the throne, and sets England on a course for war. With only her courage and the guidance of an enigmatic spy within the royal household, Franny must decide how far she will go to expose the truth—and whether that truth will lead to England’s salvation or her own heartbreak.
In a glittering and debauched society where love is treacherous and loyalty masked, Franny must navigate a world where a woman’s voice is often silenced and confront the ultimate question: What is she willing to risk for the sake of her country, her happiness, and her family’s safety?

My Review
This novel takes place during the reign of Charles II, the Stuart king who came back from exile. It wouldn’t be outrageous to assume his hold on the throne was a bit fragile, considering that he was childless (legitimate children, that is) and the heir was his Catholic brother James. Religious tension was still very much in evidence. Our protagonist in this story, Franny Apsley, was a descendant of Margaret Beaufort, mother of Henry VII, and her loyalty to her family was as unshakable as her Protestant religion:
As she traced a line from Oliver St.John and Isabel Scrope, Elysabeth St.John and John Scrope, and Margaret Beaufort, it went up the page, along to the left, and down again. And rested on the name of Ricardus III, Regini. Next to him, the name of Edwardus Sanctus. Edward V. His nephew. The eldest of the murdered princes. And above their names, beautifully illustrated crowns. The only crowns on a page full of Tudor and Plantagenet kings and queens. The only lines drawn directly to her family.
When the bones of two children were dug up in the Tower, everyone assumed they were the Princes, murdered by Richard III. Or were they? Suddenly, a secret discovery clouded this conclusion, and the possible ramifications could be devastating to the king—and to her family, by extension. Franny dedicated herself to solving this mystery before it was too late, though her efforts were complicated by the distraction of a newcomer to court. She was fascinated by the alluring art instructor, who unfortunately reeked of Catholicism and might possibly be a foreign spy. Could Franny keep her head on straight? This book is a good immersion in the political and torn loyalties of the 17th century.
This title is available to read on #Kindle Unlimited.
Universal Buy Link: https://geni.us/KingsIntelligencer
Meet Elizabeth St. John

Elizabeth St.John’s critically acclaimed historical fiction novels tell the stories of her ancestors: extraordinary women whose intriguing kinship with England’s kings and queens brings an intimately unique perspective to Medieval, Tudor, and Stuart times.
Inspired by family archives and residences from Lydiard Park to the Tower of London, Elizabeth spends much of her time exploring ancestral portraits, diaries, and lost gardens. And encountering the occasional ghost. But that’s another story.
Living between California, England, and the past, Elizabeth is the International Ambassador for The Friends of Lydiard Park, an English charity dedicated to conserving and enhancing this beautiful centuries-old country house and park. As a curator for The Lydiard Archives, she is constantly looking for an undiscovered treasure to inspire her next novel.
Elizabeth’s works include The Lydiard Chronicles, a trilogy set in 17th-century England during the Civil War, and The Godmother’s Secret, which unravels the medieval mystery of the missing princes in the Tower of London. Her latest release, The King’s Intelligencer, follows Franny Apsley’s perilous quest to uncover the truth behind the sudden discovery of the princes’ bones. In Charles II’s court of intrigue and deceit, Franny must decide what she’ll risk—for England’s salvation, her family’s safety, and her own happiness
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