This masterful work of historical fiction follows the audacious British-American colonists, known as the Founders, as they boldly rise against the mightiest empire of their time: England. Their unprecedented struggle challenged the status quo and reshaped the foundation of global politics and human rights, ushering in the era of democracy. As the narrative unfolds with rich, immersive detail and dynamic characters, the story poses a profound question: after securing their hard-won liberty, could they preserve and nurture the fragile promise of a new world?
This compelling tale captures the spirit of revolution and the enduring quest for freedom.

Howe, with his legions came,
In hopes of wealth and fame.
What has he done?
All day, at Faro play’d
All night, with the whores he laid,
And with his bottle made,
Excellent fun.
General Howe set sail for New York with a convoy of 110 down the blue Atlantic, “their tall masts piercing the sky before the swoosh of the wind.
Reaching the rendezvous off Sandy Hook in Monmouth County, New Jersey, he dropped Anchor and waited for the stragglers to catch up.
Anticipating an attack, General Washington ordered his soldiers to “lay on their arms in their tents and quarters.
“They must be ready to turn out at a moment’s warning,” he told an aide, “as there is a great likelihood of it.”
On July 2, Howe moved his armada inside the bay and landed on Staten Island without opposition. A glimmer of amusement crossed his face as he watched the soldiers, who had been cooped up on shipboard since March 17, leaping, wrestling, running races, and rolling on the turf.
Delegations of loyal Tories flocked to General Howe’s headquarters. Sixty men from New Jersey carrying muskets reported that five more men would follow the Crown’s services.
“They tell me,” a delegate said while drinking coffee, “the Tories want peace;” Howe listened with one ear as he was anxious for the arrival of his brother, Admiral Howe.
Soon after the coming of Admiral Howe, General Henry Clinton returned from Charleston with 2000 men after an unsuccessful attempt against the town.
Shifting his feet, Howe winced at the news.
“What will be your fighting force?”
Howe took a satisfying breath. “10,000 seamen and a land force of over 32,000. They are well-armed, well-found, well-fed, well-clothed, and well-trained, but my brother and I want to offer reconciliation with General Washington.”
“I want to make real concessions to the colonies if they will lay down their arms,” said Howe, “I am fighting for peace.”
The delegate seemed impressed.
“I must do much damage before the enemy considers my terms. But if I completely suppress the rebellion, it will cost England more to garrison troops here and keep them suppressed than the colonies are worth.”
Plenty more ideas circled Howe’s mind with arguments for and against his plan.
Universal Buy Link: https://geni.us/HkQfWs
Historium Press Links:
Paperback: https://geni.us/fEnY
Hardcover: https://geni.us/vfmydM
Meet Seth Irving Handaside

Growing up in Putnam County in the town of Putnam Valley, named after General Israel Putnam, Seth Irving Handaside walked its roads.
He explored the hills and valleys that American rebels tread. But, he often thought, what would have done when the head of the state, King George III of England, ignored his rights and the rule of law?
Would he have marched to the tune of the revolution and been in a regiment commanded by General Putnam or sided with the loyalists?
Fascinated by American history since elementary school, politics runs in his veins. He has spent the last ten years researching and reading about the founding fathers and settled on six men, three boys not yet twenty, and three Virginians who risked having their necks stretched to make the American dream a reality.
Connect with Seth
Website: https://themenwhochooseliberty.com/
Publisher Website: https://www.historiumpress.com/seth-irving-handaside
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sethirvinghandaside
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themenwhochooseliberty/
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Seth-Irving-Handaside/author/B0BN6HS9NB
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/23050981.Seth_Irving_Handaside